What is PikLoops?
PikLoops is a simple KDE program used to generate assembly time delays for Microchip microcontrolers using Microchip instructions.
PikLoops is based on a program for Windows, originally created by William J. Boucher. Using his calculation formulas we can generate accurate assembly language time delay loops.
Where can I get it?
The PikLoops repository is here.
Development version
If you want to get the latest developement version, you can checkout the PikLoops SVN repository.
svn co https://pikloops.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/pikloops/prog/trunk pikloops/prog/trunk
You can also browse through the repository.
When is the next release?
I don't know ;-). So, you can subscribe to the announcement mailing list, a very low traffic list. Go to the https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/pikloops-announces page and fill the relevant fields.